So who are The Diamond Pros? Here’s a brief intro about who we are and why we do what we do. If you want to read a bit more about each of us personally, you can check out our bios below.
Ira and I both grew up professionally in the diamond industry. We worked together at one of the largest diamond manufacturers in the world. During that time, we both learned all the facets of the diamond industry that affect what the end product to the consumer is and how much it costs. From studying everything there is to know about Diamonds in Israel, purchasing large batches of diamonds in India, and selling diamonds to wholesalers and retailers around the United States and internationally, we’ve seen it all.
We both left the industry feeling disillusioned. While we both worked very hard, our hearts just weren’t in it. Finding ways to maximize profitability and move dead inventory may have been great for our company, but it didn’t make us feel too great about what the end consumer was buying. Twenty years of this left us with a bad taste in our mouths.
Some time after we both left the company, Ira reached out to me in 2010 with his idea for taking our knowledge and helping consumers avoid all the tricks diamond professionals use to make more money off of them. And so The Diamond Pro (then Truth About Diamonds) was born.
Well, we certainly did something right. Something about our message has clearly resonated with our readers, the diamond buying consumers. Our readership has grown tremendously and with that, we have needed to increase our ranks.
Our team of consultants have all been carefully hired, trained and mentored by myself. We have gone to great lengths to ensure that every member of the team is truly an expert before they begin helping our readers.
Most “consultants” for diamond companies train their team members for one to two months and have a high turnover rate. Our team members have daily training for six months before they begin to answer emails. Even then, Annie or myself still go over each and every email for another few months until we are absolutely sure you are in good hands.
We also have a great work environment and foster personal relationships as well. This has helped create a company with almost no turnover (the fantastic Katy earned her degree in architecture and moved on to pursue her dreams). This means that the consultant working with you has helped thousands of readers. They’ve seen it all and know all the angles.
The Diamond Pro’s goal is to provide accurate information that helps people get the best diamonds and jewelry at a competitive price. The most difficult type of article to produce is a review. In these articles we are using our expertise and general experience in the diamond industry as well as our specific experiences with that retailer. It is important that we judge retailers based on a uniform set of guidelines.
Here are the guidelines we use to ensure that we are giving you accurate information with as little bias as possible.
The bulk of our reviews were written about physical retail locations. Every review we’ve done is a result of secret shopping trips to that retailer. A few notes on how we secret shop to ensure accurate information:
When secret shopping, these are the primary areas we focus on. We try to be as consistent as possible, but we do use common sense. For example, when going into a luxury retailer with average products costing more than $100,000, we expect the experience to be better than the experience in a store where they sell $2,000 products.
We are looking at how the shopping experience makes us feel:
Here we look at the quality and quantity of a retailer’s product offering:
Is the retailer charging what we feel is a fair price for their product?
We do not need to convert every single reader into a sale. We believe that if we provide accurate information and partner with the companies we feel offer the best value to you, the consumer, we’ll do fine. There is no need to “bash the competition” unnecessarily. If you look at our list of reviews, you will see that we give several retailers high ratings despite not earning one penny from them.
Chief Diamond Pro
Michael is the manager of day to day operations of The Diamond Pro. He and Ira met while they were both traveling salesmen at Leo Schachter diamonds (Ira based in Israel and Michael based in New York at the time).
At Leo Schacher, Michael’s specialty was larger certified fancy-shape diamonds (i.e., non-round) Following Michael’s employment at Leo Schacter, he moved on to another world-renowned diamond manufacturer, Moshe Namdar, Inc. Full bio is available here.
Resident Diamond Pro
Annie has been a part of our team since 2013. Michael took her under his wing and trained her intensively side-by-side for a full year.
Annie has already helped thousands of readers of our site who love her clear and frank advice. Read full bio here.
Resident Diamond Pro
Joy has been a part of our team since 2015. She joined the team after completing a stint working as a customer service representative for an online diamond retailer.
Joy has already helped hundreds of readers who appreciate her experience and crystal clear advice. Read full bio here.
Resident Diamond Pro
Jenny has been with us since early 2015. An accomplished violinist, a speaker of many languages, a seasoned traveller, and a historian, Jenny most of all enjoys working with people and helping to make their lives better.
If Jenny responds to your emails, you know she’ll be taking great care of you. Read full bio here.
Resident Diamond Pro
Veronika joined us at the beginning of 2017. Since she studied HR and always loved communicating with people, she was a perfect fit into our team.
Veronika is ready to answer all your questions and give you as much time as necessary. . Read full bio here.
Ira created the website back in the summer of 2009. Originally, the site was called (the name change happened in early 2014). Ira and Mike worked together at Leo Schachter diamonds, traveling all over the US selling diamonds – often together.
At Leo Schachter, Ira’s specialty was small round diamonds (generally under 0.70ct). Since 2014, Ira has taken a step back as Michael has taken over management at The Diamond Pro. Read full bio here.
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